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Azerbaijani NGOs sent an open letter to the organizers of the biased campaign event in Berlin


BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 2. Azerbaijani NGOs have addressed an open letter to the heads of the German Council on Foreign Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Trend reports.

“We, representatives of Azerbaijan’s civil society, are appealing to the Director of the German Council on Foreign Relations, Mr. Guntram Wolff, and the Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Mr. Norbert Lammert, urging the organizations they are leading to cancel the biased and pro-Armenian propaganda event called “Cultural heritage of Arsakh” due to be held in Berlin on March 6 this year.

As persons closely involved in diplomacy, you should know perfectly well that Armenia and its puppet separatist regime, which existed for nearly 30 years, occupied the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan for a long time, destroyed the material and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people, wiped the cities and villages off the face of the earth, turning them into cemeteries. Dozens of mosques were blown up by Armenia, and many of them were desecrated by keeping cattle in them.

The German Council on Foreign Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation did not bother to organize expert discussions against this occupation and ethnic cleansing or publish a report on the destruction of the material and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people. This silence in relation to the destruction of mosques in Karabakh and the keeping of pigs in them is an example of Islamophobia.

As a result of the 44-day war in 2020 and the anti-terror measures in September 2023, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been fully ensured. Today, the state of Azerbaijan is engaged in large-scale construction and restoration work, clearing the territory of more than 1.5 million mines and unexploded ordnance Armenia left behind in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. The organizations you lead turned a blind eye to this too.

Our question to you is this: what is your purpose in organizing a lop-sided and biased discussion on “Cultural heritage of Arsakh”, if it is based on lies, fraud and hypocrisy?

The organization of such an event hot on the heels of a meeting of the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Berlin is part of the steps aimed at increasing ethnic hatred and undermining peace talks. The German Council on Foreign Relations openly states on its official website that it is funded by George Soros' Open Society Institute. This is not supposed to promote Islamophobia, prevent a normalization in Azerbaijan-Armenian relations and cover up the crimes committed against the people of Azerbaijan.

We would like to believe that your intervention will help resolve this issue and the institutions you lead will cancel the Islamophobic event on “Cultural heritage of Arsakh”, the letter states.

We urge you to investigate facts about the destruction of the material and moral heritage of the Azerbaijani people in Karabakh and on the territory of Armenia and organize discussions with the participation of all parties.”


Fuad Mammadov, Chairman of the “Simurg” Azerbaijan Cultural Association

Ramil Iskandarli, Chairman of the “Legal Analysis and Research” Public Union

Bayimkhanim Verdiyeva, Chairperson of the Khan Shushinski Foundation

Fariz Khalili, Chairman of the MIRAS Public Union for the Study of Cultural Heritage

Zaur Mammadov, Chairman of the Baku Club of Political Scientists

Shahla Naghiyeva, Chairperson of the “Sonmez Mashal” Cultural Relations Public Union

Umud Mirzayev, President of the International Eurasian Press Foundation

Konul Behbudova, Chairperson of the “Karabakh Missing Families” Public Union

Rey Gasimov, Chairman of the “Association of Landmine Victims in Azerbaijan” Public Union

Gunel Safarova, Chairperson of the “Vatandash” Research and Development Public Union

Hafiz Safikhanov, Chairman of the “Azerbaijan Campaign Against Landmines” Public Union

Khatira Valiyeva, Chairperson of the “Khankendi” Public Union for the Support of Forced Migrants

Zaur Ibrahimli, Chairman of the “Prioritet” Social Economic Research Center Public Union

Vugar Gadirov, Chairman of the “Youth Organization for Return and Revival” Public Union

Khalid Kazimov, Chairman of the Regional Human Rights and Media Center Public Union

Samad Vakilov, Chairman of the “Attorney Law Center” Public Union

Ahmad Abbasbayli, Chairman of the “Center for Development of Society” Public Union

Agil Jamal, Chairman of the “Common Values” Public Union

Irada Rzazada, Chairperson of the Public Union “For Social Well-being of Citizens”

Etibar Mammadov, Chairman of the “Promotion of Culture and National Traditions” Public Union

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