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The current topic “Operational activities of the Navy” was discussed at the conference of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan


AKU, Azerbaijan, April 3. A conference on the development of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces’ capabilities and abilities is being held in accordance with the training plan for 2024, Trend reports via the country's Ministry of Defense.

The conference commenced with commemorating the memory of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and Shehids (Martyrs), who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Welcoming the conference participants, Captain 1st Rank Teymur Murshudov highlighted the work done to bring Naval Forces in line with the Turkish model, as in other units of the Azerbaijan Army. It was noted that as part of the ongoing reforms, it is envisaged to create a staff structure that meets modern requirements and to conduct various training and courses to further improve the servicemen’s professionalism.

Captain 1st Rank T. Murshudov emphasized that the main objective of the conference is a more efficient and productive organization of work on modernization and restructure of the Naval Forces.

It was noted that the conference will discuss the legal status of the Caspian Sea and regional conflicts, the organization of service, operational and combat training of Naval Forces’ personnel and other relevant topics.

In the end, briefings on a number of topics on the "Operational activities of the Naval Forces" were given and an exchange of views was held.


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