Azerbaijani Army’s marines attending AMAN-25 Multinational Exercise and Dialogue (PHOTO)

Representatives of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces participate in the AMAN-25 multinational exercise and the Aman Dialogue in Karachi, Pakistan, Trend reports via the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry.
First Deputy Commander of the Naval Forces - Chief of Staff, 1st grade Captain Teymur Murshudov represent Azerbaijan at the first Aman Dialogue held with Naval Forces Commanders, Chiefs of Staff, Coast Guard Commanders, and other high-ranking representatives from across the world.
During the event, the participants will discuss regional maritime security and develop joint strategies to counter evolving challenges at sea.
In the ninth AMAN-25 multinational exercise, which includes the port and sea phases, the six-person underwater offence and underwater defense groups of the Azerbaijan Naval Forces will fulfill relevant tasks according to the plan.
To note, the exercise held under the motto “Together for Peace” involves ships, aircraft, special forces, explosives disposal teams, marines, and observers from 60 countries.
AMAN-25 multinational exercise aimed at promoting peace and security and jointly combating terrorism in the maritime domain will last until February 11.